Opening Hours Mon - Thu 8.00am - 4.30pm
Fri 8.00am - 4.00pm

Beautification of Town

Beautification of Town

In late 2020,  a beautification plan was formed to beautify Ba Town parks, gardens and wards. The goal of the plan is to increase the overall visual appeal of parks, gardens, entrance area, exit area, major routes and upgrade facilities in public places of Ba Town

The purpose of forming a beautification plan was to have a guide that we our team could use to focus on the areas in town that needed attention. Through this plan, the Ba Town Council seeks to make the town look more pleasant and attractive, nurture community pride and build positive identity, reduce littering, attract new growth and development and encourage public to beautify their properties in Town Areas

The formulation of the Beautification plan has and will continue to serve multiple functions that will benefit our natural environment and the residence of Ba. Some of the plans in place to beautify our town include creating an attractive welcoming entrance and exit area planting ornamental trees along major route, creating more vibrant environment for parks in all wards, creating way finding signage, having uniform and elaborate gardens in Town and developing shaded area which caters for sitting arrangements. The council in addition also looks forward to create new informational signage for litter and smoking awareness and upgrade rubbish bins around town and have specific bins for cigarette buds

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